Curriculum Statement
At Canterbury Road, we plan our curriculum to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum and EYFS curriculum, to meet the needs of our pupils and to support our ethos of ‘a friendly, happy place to learn’.
Through learning geography, we intend that our children will be interested and knowledgeable about the world and the people in it. They will learn about places, people, resources and human and physical environments and processes. They will know how the Earth changes and develops over time and about how things are connected.
Pupils will be curious and captivated as they learn about places that are both familiar and new to them. They will have a growing understanding of connectedness and how everyday life and they themselves impact on the Earth.
Pupils will develop skills that enable them to find out about their world in different ways and represent their learning in a variety of formats. They will become reflective and aware of the complexity of the subject.
The National Curriculum (NC) for Geography is followed at Canterbury Road but children begin to learn about their world in the Reception class. They learn about the weather, places local to them, visit places of interest, study maps and learn about life and places in other countries.
A long term plan sets out each area of learning from Year 1 onwards and is supported by schemes of work that detail essential learning in each topic. Progression documents enable staff to build on prior learning and ensure that learning is comprehensive and logical. Topics have been chosen to ensure that the NC is covered and are interesting, relevant to pupils and their local area and complement learning in other areas.
The schemes of work are a mixture of school-developed units and purchased schemes which staff adapt to meet need. The scheme Kapow was chosen as it is updated regularly, is engaging and well resourced and has a clear progression of learning. The resources are of high quality and easily used and adapted for pupils.
Geography is taught for either two or three terms a year often alternating with History. Some topics lend themselves to a joint Geography/History unit and the progression documents make explicit the learning required in each subject.
Trips and real-life experiences are used to engage and enhance learning whenever possible.
As a result of our effective Geography curriculum, children become increasingly knowledgeable across the themes covered. They are able to identify these themes as they move through the school and link knowledge from one topic to another. They learn and develop skills that build unit on unit and year on year.
Children at Canterbury Road are interested, knowledgeable and skilful. They can recall facts and reflect on their learning and the issues taught. They can apply skills to find out more and can write, draw and talk about their learning and use a variety of resources and presentation methods. The NC is fully taught and children enjoy learning Geography. They can talk confidently about their learning and show an interest in it.
Canterbury Road pupils -
- will be knowledgeable and skilful
- will make good decisions
- think and care deeply
- attain and achieve to their best
- be respectful
- be proud of who they are and what they have achieved.